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Ok, it's more of a new idea. I just wanted to make a reference to Arrested Development. ANYWAY! To make this website a little more entertaining (alright, probably a lot more entertaining), I thought I would start a new weekly project. As my designs have fallen a little into the background, I wanted to bring something fresh to the site. I'm ramping up my Pinterest boards, and finding inspiration from a lot of the pins I'm finding. It's amazing how useful Pinterest can be. You're immersed in pretty much everything imaginable, and it's like an information overload that I love to be a part of. Instead of simply repinning something I like, I tend to actually click through to the home website and look around. If it's something I think is amazing or inspiring, I'm going to link to it here. I'll talk a little about why I like it, and what I think makes it great. Post some pictures (and hopefully not get in trouble!), and bring some of the wonderful things I come across, to you. I'll spend part of my week browsing and pinning, and then at the beginning of every week, I'll try to post about one of the favorite sites I've come across. This was something I wanted to do as I started up this site, so I'm pleased that it's finally going to happen. In the meantime, I'm finally getting around to the finishing touches of my portfolio site. I'm really proud of the work I've put into it, and I'm happy with how it's turning out. I hope other people will enjoy it as much as I do, and hopefully my future can start falling into place. I'm definitely realizing that if you don't put in any work to make change, nothing is likely to change, and you'll probably just be stuck in a rut. Take charge and change your future! Onward we go!

Whoops. It's clearly been awhile since my last update, huh? I've still been busy working on my design portfolio, so that's taken up a lot of my free time. Although, as of late, I've just been lazing around and (re)watching the new season of Arrested Development. Can't keep all of my Anns in one basket, now can I? Gotta spread out my time between a few things. I have just a few pages left on the website to update, and then it should be pretty much set. I'd like to also get a paper portfolio designed and updated, but I'm thinking it should be easy once I have all of the information in place from the website. Whew. Other than that, there really hasn't been a whole lot to update. After my portfolio is finished, things for Ruby July can move forward again, and hopefully some other things in my life will change. I'm gearing up for the month of July, as I hope that's when things will really begin to come together, so I'm going to use this month to prepare to the best of my ability for change. I'll be sure to update as anything new occurs, and hopefully begin posting a little more about personal things, as I had mentioned when I started this blog. I'm getting a lot of inspiration from a girl I used to work with, who is really taking charge of the changes in her life, and turning things around to what she wants to be. She doesn't know it, but thank you! She took herself out of a static situation that wasn't providing any growth, and she's much happier and better off. I can't wait to do the same!

All of my posts from the old site are now over here. Part of me will miss using the old site, mostly just for nostalgic reasons. But the past is the past, and it's just a blogging site, so onward we go! In other news, I spent a lot of the past weekend working on my personal design portfolio. I've been looking into settling into a real career for awhile now, and that's one thing I definitely need to get completed before I take any real action. It brings back a lot of memories from my Web Design class in college, as we had to design something similar for a project. It's a big undertaking for me, especially in the little time I have available, but it will definitely pay off. Besides, that, it'll be something for me to be proud of, and fun to look back at the growth throughout my career. I may post a link to it once it's complete, so people can go back and forth between sites if they so desire. We shall see...

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